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Hanshin Việt Nam - Hanshin Machinery Co., Ltd

Hanshin Hàn Quốc (Hanshin Machinery Co., Ltd) Được thành lập từ năm 1969, Máy nén khí Hanshin là thương hiệu máy nén khí đầu tiên Hàn Quốc sản xuất thành công loại máy nén khí Piston vào năm 1970, loại máy nén khí trục vít năm 1980 và loại máy nén khí trục vít không dầu vào năm 1983. Hanshin là Công ty tiên phong sản xuất máy nén khí cho nhà máy điện hạt nhân của Hàn Quốc năm 1999. Vào năm 2001, Hanshin xây dựng nhà máy tại Trung Quốc và trở thành công ty dẫn đầu trong ngành máy nén khí tại Hàn Quốc. Hanshin đã cung cấp máy nén khí đến hơn 20 nước trên khắp thế giới và chiếm thị phần lớn nhất trong thị trường máy nén khí tại Hàn Quốc. Tại thị trường Hàn Quốc Hanshin là một trong 03 thương hiệu máy nén khí phổ biến. Nhưng tại thị trường Việt Nam máy nén khí Hanshin là thương hiệu máy nén khí Hàn Quốc phổ biến nhất. Máy nén khí Hanshin tại thị trường Việt nam có hai nguồn gốc xuất xứ Hanshin được sản xuất tại Trung Quốc và Hanshin được sản xuất tại Hàn Quốc.

Máy nén khí Hanshin tại Việt Nam chủ yếu có các dòng sản phẩm sau:

Máy nén khí Piston Hanshin (NH, GH, H)

Máy nén khí Piston Hanshin cách âm (NH20B)
Máy nén khí Trục vít Hanshin (RCH, GRH2, GRH3)
Máy nén khí Oil free Hanshin (AL2)

>> Phụ tùng máy nén khí Hanshin
>> Dầu máy nén khí Hanshin
>> Bảo trì bảo dưỡng máy nén khí Hanshin

English: Hanshin Machinery Mfg. Co., Ltd

The history of Hanshin will lead to the history of
  air compressors in Korea

Since its foundation in 1969 under the name, Hanshin Machinery Mfg. Co., Hanshin has become the
first company to successfully manufacture the piston-type compressor in 1970, the vane and screw
compressors in the 1980s, and the oil-free screw compressor in 1983. Hanshin went public in 1987
and in 1999, became the first company ever to domestically produce compressors for nuclear power
plants in the history of Korea. In 2001 Hanshin became the industry’s first ever air compressor
company to establish a factory in China and became known as the leader in the Korean air
compressor industry.

Unlike many air compressor companies that have arisen and failed, Hanshin has proudly set the
standard with the “Air compressor equals Hanshin” mentality and the exceptional evaluation that
our customers have given us. As the artisan of air compressor craftsmanship, we strive for excellence
as we happily meet the demands and satisfaction of each and every customer.

Count on Hanshin’s Corporate Culture
There have, and still are many companies that advertise their products as having better performance, being more affordable, or that a compressor is simply a hardware. However, at Hanshin, we believe that when you purchase our products, the customer is not simply buying a piece of metal but that a customer is also purchasing a part of our corporate culture. In many cases, countless companies have opened and suddenly vanished, making it difficult for customers to obtain the parts at spare parts market.

Hanshin is the foremost, longest running company in the industry with 40 years of experience.
We acknowledge the importance of our responsibility in society and have come to believe that
we are unlike those companies that chase only after profit.
Count on our corporate culture as Korea’s leading air compressor industry. We will gladly meet
the demands and satisfy all of your compressor need, befitting our brand and experience.
Company History
Sept.1969Hanshin Machinery Mfg. Co., Ltd. established
Nov.1976Converted to a corporation and renamed Hanshin Machinery Co., Ltd.
Feb.1977Launching of Hanshin products at the World Fair in Toronto, Canada
Jun.1979Production of water cooled
type air compressors in collaboration
with Meiji Air Compressor Mfg. Co., Ltd., Japan
Feb.1980Production of vane type air compressors in collaboration with
Hydrovane Co., Ltd., U.K.
Oct.1983Production of screw compressors in collaboration with Kobe Steel Ltd.,
Oct.1985Production of Korea’s first ever oil-free screw compressor
Dec.1985Passed required import inspections and began trade with U.S.
Mar.1986Began export of air compressors to China via Hong Kong route
Nov.1986Awarded by the Minister of Trade and Industry for outstanding
Achievements in machinery and development 
Became public and began to offer IPO
Jan. 1990Began production of oil-less piston air compressors in collaboration
with Meiji Air Compressor Mfg. Co., Ltd., Japan
Oct.1991Expansion of manufacturing facility
Dec.1991Began contract as the sole distributor of Turbo Compressor to U.S.A.
Nov.1992Designated as a Quality Control Factory and acquired the   mark
Dec.1992Passed the product, design, and performance requirements under the
Industrial Safety and Health Act
Jan.1993Domestic production of Refrigerant Air Dryers
Oct.1994Selected as the Worldwide Leader in Sales by   
Nov.1997Acquired the ISO 9001 certificate
Feb.1999First domestically produced compressors for nuclear power plants
(Youngkwang 5th and 6th Nuclear Power Plants) (Model: AL-320H)
Sept.2001Launching of Hanshin Machinery Co., Ltd. in China
Jul.2003Awarded the certificate for Outstanding After-Sales Service by the
Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy
Dec.2005Construction of factory completed in Jiaozhou, Shandong Province, China
Jun.2006Awarded the first ever certificate for Excellent Service Quality in the industry by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy
Dec. 2009Acquired the ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) certificate
Aug. 2010Registered qualified supplier(air compressor) by Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.
Mar. 2011Acquired certificate of excellent supplier from POSCO Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.
Mar. 2011Supplied localized oil free screw compressors to Korean Neclear Power Plant (KEPCO) (1st, 2nd Plants in New Ul-jin)
Mar. 2011Supplied localized oil free screw compressors to Korean Neclear Power Plant (KEPCO) (3rd, 4th Plants in Gori)
Jan. 2012Supplied localized oil free screw compressors to UAE TakReer Inter Refinery Project (TIRP)
Apr. 2012Singed Win-win cooperation agreement with POSCO Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.

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