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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn klueber Summit

klueber-summit DSL

Summit DSL® synthetic compressor oils are unique combinations of quality diester base-stocks and the latest additive technology. Summit provides a wide range of DSL® lubricants that cover applications for rotary vane, rotary screw, and all ages and design-types of reciprocating compressors. Summit DSL® lubricants are especially noted for the following benefits: Low temperature fluidity, better thermal conductivity, reduced friction, high temperature thermal stability, greater resistance to mechanical stress, energy efficiency and reduced metal-to-metal wear. Summit DSL® Lubricants are formulated to keep compressors free of varnish and sludge build-up while extending drain intervals to 8000 hours. Summit DSL® lubricants are compatible with almost all elastomers used in compressors and pumps including the paint used in crankcases. RECOMMENDED USES Summit DSL® lubricants were designed for use in the frame and as a compressor cylinder lubricant. It is recommended for use in centri...

klueber Summit AU-46

Summit AU-46 is a silicone-based synthetic compressor oil designed for use in rotary screw compressors. AU-46 does not breakdown under normal operating temperatures and pressures thereby eliminating carbon deposits, sludge and varnish formations.  The system stays clean of lubricant by-products resulting in lower maintenance costs.  The high viscosity index insures a minimum change in viscosity over the compressor's temperature range.  AU-46 has excellent water separation, corrosion protection and lubricity characteristics. RECOMMENDED USES Recommended Uses: Summit AU-46 is designed specifically for use in rotary screw compressors. It can handle a wide range of operating temperatures. PRODUCTS AU-46 Appearance V iscosity @ -28°C, c S t @ 25°C, c S t @ 40°C, c S t @ 100°C, c S t V iscosity Index S pecific Gravity Density lbs/gal Flash Point, °F (°C) Fire Point, °F (°C) Pour Point, °F ...