Chuyển đến nội dung chính

Gardner Denver ESN/ESD 160 - 500 kW

Rotary Screw 50 Hz Compressor Packages

Fixed Speed ESN/ESD 160-500 Series (160 - 500 kW)

The preferred choice for optimum performanceThis compressor series combines Gardner Denver’s design philosophy, advanced DigiPilot controller and innovative package layout with efficient and reliable compressor performance. As all Gardner Denver’s compressors, this series has rapidly become a popular choice for a wide range of demanding industrial applications. The compressor carries all Gardner Denver features and benefits associated with reliable and easy use and operation, and high efficiency. These compressors are specifically built to meet the demands of continuous 24/7 operating demands and absolute uptime.
Your benefits in a nutshell:
  • Advanced DigiPilot control system
  • Serviceability
  • Robust design
  • Low noise level operation
  • Great performance

Design Advantages

Advanced DigiPilot Control System
DigiPilot compressor control ensures accurate and reliable control. DigiPilot’s sophisticated microprocessor facilitates efficient operation and pressure control through its simple user-interface and interactive instrument panel. Warning lights indicate when the air inlet filters, oil separation elements or cooling system require service operations. On the oil filter there is a separate visual indicator. These enable proactive service planning.
• Full load/off load control with automatic start/stop
• Remote control option
• Easy to adapt into a multi-compressor system
• Multi-lingual user interface
Heavy-duty construction
The compressors are designed using advanced technology to meet the highest quality standards that customers are accustomed to expect from Gardner Denver. The compressor series is an efficient and versatile solution even for the most demanding industrial applications.
• Each ENDURO® screw compressor element is carefully tested for performance and quality
• Each compressor is rigorously tested in simulated real life conditions
• All components meet the applicable international standards and requirements
ENDURO screw compressor element
An ENDURO® air end that improves efficiency, maximizes reliability, saves energy and reduces wear and tear by operating at ideal RPMs with minimum losses. The unit’s all-new air end layout with suction and discharge ports on the top side makes the
compressor package easy to service with open access interior. The new ENDURO® air end is available as a direct or gear driven version, depending on the pressure and power required. In addition to generally improved performance, an extra 0.5-3 % benefit in performance is gained by placing the gear in the discharge end of the air end.
Easy installation
The series saves you money from the very beginning – starting with transportation to your site. The unit is transportable on normal trucks and also fits inside a container – no need for special freight arrangements or expensive crating. The unit’s compact size allows you to move it through standard industrial double doors. Its small footprint minimizes the floor plan usage allowing you to maximize the production space. The compressors require no special foundation. Ducting is easy to arrange.

Fast maintenance
The compressors are the easiest to service enables an all-new package layout. This, together with large access doors with no special tool requirement, makes service fast minimizing downtime.
ESN Xray

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